The Power of Intention

Have you ever had a goal that you’ve achieved? I’m sure you have. We’ve all had something we’ve intended on accomplishing and managed to see it through. It could’ve been something as simple as saving a few dollars to buy something small you wanted. Maybe you wanted to lose a few pounds or perhaps break a habit. How did you reach that goal? You set an intention, right? With that intention you set a goal. Every single day, you woke up and you placed your focus on that intention to achieve that goal.

Now let’s think about a goal you had that you didn’t achieve. Why did you not make that goal? You didn’t focus on that intention, did you? I bet you told yourself you couldn’t or that it was too hard. Maybe you told yourself that goal was way out of your reach. Did you talk yourself down? Did you tell yourself you weren’t good enough? You weren’t capable? Yep. You placed your focus on your doubts and lost sight of the intention.

So now that we’ve established the importance of placing focus on our intention and we know what sways that intention, it’s time to set an intention that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. The intention to never let your self-doubt and negative self-talk hold you back from your goals. Getting that intention solidified into reality will set you up for a lifetime of success.

So, how do you do this? You must be aware of your thoughts. And by that, I mean that you can catch a thought in the moment you have it and question where that thought came from. No more just letting your thoughts run rampant. Observe your thoughts and then ponder on them. Does this thought add value to your life or does it diminish your worth? Now it seems you are thinking about thinking. But the observer doesn’t just think, the observer also explores. They ride a wave of thought with a curiosity, searching for its origin. Who is the thinker and who is the observer? They both reside inside of you, but only once you recognize the observer, can you become the conductor of your symphony of thoughts.

Once you’ve acquainted yourself with the observer, you can determine what thoughts are lies placed there by early developmental conditioning. When one of those lies plays in your mind, you can rewrite it. The thought ‘I am not capable’ can be rewritten to ‘I am capable of anything I set my mind to’. This will take time, patience, and practice before the original thought almost never makes an appearance. At first, on a daily basis, you will notice that thought is playing on repeat, like a broken record. After a few months of dedication, one day you’ll have that thought and it will occur to you that thought hasn’t crossed your mind in weeks. Enjoy that moment and be proud because not only is it a moment of seeing progression, it’s a moment of proof of how very capable you are.

In the next blog we’ll go into how to start getting acquainted with your dominant thought patterns. There are a few simple practices that will guide you into the depths of your psyche and shine a light on your subconscious. Getting to know what’s hidden in the crevices of your mind will help you better understand why you react in the way you do to certain things. Once you have a better understanding of yourself you can cut the puppet strings your shadow has tied to you and you can start to create the life you want to live.

See you in the next blog. Much love!
